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I recently attended a parent information meeting regarding my oldest’s son’s transition into middle school.  I must admit, I am in some serious denial about him attaining this milestone, but going to this meeting made it seem much more real. In only couple short months he will be on his way.  He is ready.  I...

When my boys were young, they were rambunctious.  I had a difficult time managing their high energy levels as well as my expectations of them.  I had never been tackled-hugged in all my life before having them.  Once they entered my world, tackle-hugs were the norm. Whenever we were home for extended periods, negotiating their...

People show us we matter in a variety of ways.  When we truly matter to someone, they show up for us with comforting consistency.  They answer our calls or texts, even in the middle of the night, and they do so with regularity.  A busy person can still show you that you matter to them....

A few weeks back while we were enjoying our holiday break, I was seated in a common area of a family friendly gym we were visiting.  My boys and husband were finishing up the last bit of their workout, and I had a couple of minutes to myself.  As an introvert immersed in the middle...

Ever since we were able to reincorporate dogs back into our home well over three years ago, daily walks are a part of my life.  When I had my first dog, Kisses (may she rest in peace), I walked that dog all over Wrigleyville.  As my family expanded and we moved to the suburbs, my...