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Tips for Having Difficult Conversations With Kids

The world is a tough place right now. Already this year our national and global community has been faced with fires in Australia, the novel Coronavirus, racism and injustice, and severe economic decline—and it’s only June. On top of all of this, your individual family may be facing job loss, homelessness, divorce, adoption, parental incarceration,...

Back in August, I wrote a post about addressing the uncertainty of our nation’s political climate with our children. (You can read it here:  Fear Vs. Fate) In the wake of this latest mass shooting in Las Vegas, I felt it was important to yet again, review ways you can speak to your children about...

The world can be a scary place.  What makes it even more frightening is that you have to send your kids out into it every day.  You’re not even allowed to go with them most of the time!  With the start of the school year, they have to figure out new schools, teachers and schedules...