As I sat in the audience while my younger son competed in the county spelling bee, it was difficult to watch. Partly because I was overly invested every time he stepped up to the microphone, and partly because of having to watch the devastation that befell many of the kids as they misspelled words. It...
When I write a post, I usually have many points I want to get across relating to a specific topic. My goal for this article is to make it more generalized. I want you to fill in the blanks to make this idea work for you. It will look different for everyone. I will give...
My oldest son and I were sitting at our kitchen table having some dinner. I had fed my younger son earlier and sent him on his way to a friend’s house. I was enjoying my one-on-one conversation with my eldest. He had completed a science project outlining some facts about a recently identified dwarf planet...
I am a huge fan of the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team. I didn’t grow up watching or playing soccer, but having a husband and two boys that are passionate about the game, I soon became interested. Then, during the Summer Olympics of 2012, I watched the Women’s Team, led by Abby Wambach, win gold...
I recently read an article in a women’s magazine that gave me serious pause. It highlighted several fashion bloggers/stylists and how each of them was able to conceal their flaws. I couldn’t even get halfway through the article before I gave up entirely. These women all looked beautifully pulled together and seeing them share how...
It is essential that we give our kids space to try a wide range of things and learn through their failures. They don’t have to be awesome at everything. In fact, learning to deal with being mediocre or not so good at something, is going to serve them so much more in the long run....
Now that the turkey is gone, the remainder of the holiday season and more treats and temptations loom before us. It is easy to get into a cycle of guilt simply for enjoying the bounty of the holidays. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could indulge and not let it make us feel bad that...
I remember it like it was yesterday. I had taken my youngest son, who was three years old at the time, to a gym class. I had learned long ago that quiet, library story times were not a ‘good fit’ for an extremely active, rough and tumble boy. I figured a busy, movement filled class...
If you are looking for new books to read with your kiddos, fill your home library with inspiration! The following list was compiled by Julie Handler, a co-founder of Positively Positive. You can find her original article here. Clicking on the book title will take you to the amazon page for that book. A Bad Case...