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My ten-year old had a rough start to the week.  His classroom recently switched to online homework and it’s a lot more tedious and time-consuming than what his regular paper packets used to be.  He’s been trying to put some homework time in before school as to preserve his precious free-play time in the afternoons....

My boys will start their spring break on Friday.  Often, as parents, we feel so much pressure to give our kids spectacular vacations.  We are constantly barraged with images on social media of families and friends happily traipsing across America while we are stuck at home.  It’s hard not to feel like we are letting...

I am generally the type of person that likes to incorporate exercise in my life.  I am not sharing this to make you feel bad if exercise is not your thing, but to illuminate a recent understanding I had about exercise and life as a parent. I never go to the gym or workout as...

I have to admit, I took a hard-line approach to discipline with my boys when they were younger.  I did everything I could to establish my authority which was really more about me wanting to control my kids.  Believe me, I suffered some serious backlash.  As they have gotten older, I’ve been able to let...

I had an amazing phone conversation with a dear friend a few weeks back.  Her youngest son, who recently got engaged, had asked her older son to be his best man at his upcoming wedding.  We were both overjoyed at this.  I told her that she was ‘living my dream’.  I would love for my...

We are raising our children in an age of technology.   It is important for limits on screen-time to be in place regarding kids.  The American Academy of Pediatrics “urges parents to ban computers and TVs from kids’ bedrooms.  They also suggested a 2-hour limit that includes using the internet, social media, smart phones and...

When my youngest son began kindergarten, I was certain he was going to knock it out of the park.  He was extremely motivated to keep on pace with his two grade-level above brother and at the beginning of the year, this really showed.  As the year progressed, his teacher grew less impressed with his academic...

Do you ever have those parenting moments when you are at a complete loss?  I am currently experiencing this feeling in regards to my eight-year old.  He gets good behavior reports from school and academically he is rolling along just fine.  It’s when he’s home that I am faced with the moments where I scratch...