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Tips for Having Difficult Conversations With Kids

The world is a tough place right now. Already this year our national and global community has been faced with fires in Australia, the novel Coronavirus, racism and injustice, and severe economic decline—and it’s only June. On top of all of this, your individual family may be facing job loss, homelessness, divorce, adoption, parental incarceration,...

What is Anxiety Like for Kids?

Meeting face to face with a bear in the woods. Taking a math test. What do these events have in common? Each are events that cause the brain and body to feel stress. Seeing a bear in the woods is a dangerous, potentially life threatening, situation.  The brain responds accordingly, sounding an alarm to alert...


“Hey Mom, I don’t feel good. Can you pick me up?” With school having started, it is my guess that many parents have already seen this text message from their child. As kids have more technology available to them, it has become easier for them to reach out to parents with a quick phone call...

Hands down, one of the best qualities to help our children blossom is resilience.  Even if they are slower to warm up to change, if they have a resilient core, they will adapt to whatever life throws at them.  Since resilience is not an easily quantifiable trait, it may seem impossible to teach.  Many believe...

I recently have noticed a developing trait in both my boys.  While I consider them to be fairly compliant to my rules, they both have a streak of independence running through them that expresses at the most inopportune moments.  When I ask them to do something, they know they have to do it, but they...