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It’s that time of year again.  We are all crazed with endless holiday obligations.  There’s so much to remember in addition to our regular commitments, that it is surprising our brain synapses haven’t imploded under the pressure. Every year I make a conscious effort to do less.  I am trying to find that balance of...

I recently ran into a mom while out shopping.  She looked remarkably put together, especially since I usually only see her at the gym, and seemed to be enjoying her recent Starbucks purchase.  As we were chatting she revealed that this was one of her two mornings during the week that she was kid-free.  Her...

If a tree falls in the forest, and there’s nobody around to hear, does it make a sound? Or, If your kid does something, and you are not there to witness it, does it mean it didn’t happen? According to my older son, the answer to the second question is yes.  If your mom is...

The responsibilities of parenting are endless.  There is always one more thing on our to-do list.  It seems for every one task we mark complete, three more crop up in its place.  One of the best things we can do is ask for help.  This can be difficult to do because it almost feels like...

Across the board, one of the most challenging issues of parenting is getting your child to sleep consistently through the night. Before I had children, I thought that this meant only through the newborn stage.  Sadly, this is not true.  In fact, last night my eight-year old busted into our bedroom unannounced in the wee...

I recently read Cheryl Strayed’s memoir ‘Wild’ about her experience of self-discovery while hiking the Pacific Crest Trail.  There were aspects of this book that spoke to me, and I felt a kinship to her expressive and poetic analysis of life.  This led me to read and learn more about her.  I found this following...