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You did it!  You successfully have your children back in the school routine.  I want to take a moment to applaud all you have done to make this possible.  You made sure they had the right supplies, new clothes and shoes that fit their constantly growing bodies, and you managed any resistance or anxiety they...

We all do it.  We praise our kids for their smarts, their athleticism or any other various achievement that they conquer.  How much praising is too much?  Is there such a thing as over-praising?  Do our words of encouragement help them succeed or hinder their motivation?  In the book ‘NurtureShock:  New Thinking About Children,” authors,...

I had gone upstairs when the rumblings of ‘the incident’ began. I heard a lot of screaming and door slamming. I quickly reviewed the morning in my head. I had implemented all my coping strategies to have a good morning. I had greeted both my boys warmly. I had engaged them both in conversation over...

In the area we live in, school is back in session.  It is amazing to me the speed at which summer zips by.   I admit, the first week or two of summer are a ‘shock and awe’ kind of adjustment.  I go from quiet-filled days to immediate chaos.  I have to mentally accept that...

I recently had a discussion with another mom about how hectic mornings can be trying to get everyone successfully out the door.  I told her that on some level, I know that it is my attitude and energy that sets the tone for the day.  It is especially hard to ‘rise above’ and be calm,...

If you look at parenting in its entirety, it can quickly overwhelm you.  During my boys’ lengthy ‘terrible twos’ that started at 15 months and lasted until kindergarten, I never would have believed it would get easier.  When I started each day with them, I would mentally prepare for the seemingly endless battles that lay...

Both of my boys on occasion stretch the truth.  Sometimes they even flat-out lie.  While I find it upsetting, I try to keep it in perspective.  Their lying mostly has to do with self-preservation or not wanting to disappoint me or their Dad.  In the grand scheme they are being human and it’s better to...

I recently have noticed a developing trait in both my boys.  While I consider them to be fairly compliant to my rules, they both have a streak of independence running through them that expresses at the most inopportune moments.  When I ask them to do something, they know they have to do it, but they...

In our early family life we lived in Wisconsin.  This basically meant seven solid months of winter-like weather as anyone living in the northern states can attest to.  I came to realize that our social life on the weekends during these frosty days would mainly consist of taking the boys out to dinner.  Being a...

My boys can be stubborn.  Sometimes it’s subtle, sometimes it’s in-your-face and sometimes I long to give-up when presented with their stubborn streak.  Take reading for instance.  My oldest loves to read, but this wasn’t always the case.  It took a long time for him to find a book that captured his imagination.  He did...